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Template By Caz |
Thursday, September 01, 2005AutumnStrange how I find myself thinking about the weather. Somehow the topic of what the world looks like outside is supposed to be stricken from conversations where you can find other, more interesting topics to discuss. I was noticing how the weather up here has begun to turn colder. Gone are the days of summer where I would give anything to go dive into the local Lake. The leaves have not started to turn, but I almost find myself wondering how many days are left until I will wake up to the reds, gold's, and browns of my local maple trees. This time of year always puts me into a mood of reflection. I remember a time when I was about to start the fifth grade. I worried that I was somehow not smart enough to pass from the fourth into the fifth grades. I wondered if I would be able to keep up and understand all there was to learn. It was comforting to think that my teachers and parents would not let me into the fifth grade unless I was really ready for it. That I had somehow met some invisible level of intelligence that would pronounce success upon my head. Days of college gone by come flooding back as I see all of the new freshmen come flooding through the local Wal-mart. Along with their parents, they roam the isles looking for new pencils, backpacks, binders, and any other piece of academic necessities that they might need. Remembrances of new roommates and the fear that if you did't get along with them this year, you would be miserable in the apartment assigned. My daughter missed the Kindergarten cutoff by about a week. At first, I found myself distraught by the fact that she couldn't start school with her friends. Now, I find myself thinking that she may not have been ready this year anyway. I have fond memories of my time in school, yet I have feelings of regret as well. Did I truly see my time in school as the gift that it was? No, I simply brushed it off as something I had to do. Live long dear Autumn, for winter comes again all too soon.