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. : About Sultry Husband : . The ever Sultry man in my life has chosen to go by the name of Sultry Husband within the walls of my blog. Occasionally he will post his thoughts and experiences here as well. A writer by trade as well as passion, he keeps our home a happy and inviting place. . : Friends : .
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Template By Caz |
Saturday, July 16, 2005LiteratureIt never ceases to amaze me that a good book can completely suck me in. I mean, truly capture my attention to the point that all else in my life is secondary. That is, to the exception of my children. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out today. I ordered it on Amazon, so it was guaranteed to come today and I found myself looking out the window every ten minutes just waiting for the UPS man to show up. Alternating with looking out the window, I would go online and check the tracking status and find out where my book was. It came! About 11:30 this morning, that blessed piece of fictionary bliss arrived at my door. Of course, my husband and I have opted to read it together, so I had to wait till 3 pm to read any of it, but it was here. I could sit it upon my shelf and gaze longingly at it's cover...