April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

An old wives tale

I have been having a hard time keeping my kids out of the refrigerator. They love to investigate the things that are kept in there. Yesterday my two year old daughter decided that she wanted to play in the fridge. Of course, she waited till Mommy and Daddy were talking in the other room before getting in there and making messes. The choice for the day? Eggs.

I ended up with a dozen eggs smashed into my living room carpet. I have cleaned up eggs before, but only on the kitchen floor. I remembered a friend of mine saying something about putting sugar on dropped eggs. I had no idea what this would do, but thought I would try it anyway. Basically, the sugar soaked into the eggs and kept them from spreading. They were not hard to clean up after that!

So there you have it, put sugar on dropped eggs. It would also be helpful to somehow lock the refrigerator. That is my next task.

Posted by April_Mommy :: 8:49 AM :: 5 comments

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