April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Stupid Questions

When my husband and I were on our first date, he introduced a fabulous way to get to know one another. The question game. Basically, you can ask any question in the world and the person has to answer as truthfully as possible. There were a few other rules, for example, if you liked a question that was asked and you wanted to hear the askers take on the subject, you could ask the same question to them, yet it would not count as your turn... you still had to come up with a brilliant question.

We were on a delightful walk up at college, playing this game on our first date. After about an hour, we stopped and sat in the seats in the football stadium, continuing with the question/answer game. As time passed, I found it increasingly more difficult to come up with intelligent sounding questions. My hubby had much more practice with this game than I did, so his questions were always thought provoking and brought out deep feelings about subjects that I didn't even know that I cared about!

I looked up at the dark stadium lights, which made me think about what it would be like to just float up there and see the world from a higher vantage point. Perhaps I could be in a Hot Air Balloon, or perhaps just have wings and fly. Now I know how strange this probably sounds to everyone, and since I am already being turned in for psychiatric evaluations by many of my readers/friends, I will just say that it was quite late and we had been playing this game for several hours. Suddenly I realized that it was my turn once again to come up with a brilliant question. Are you ready for this? I asked the most thought producing, interesting question ever. I asked "If you could fly, what would you do?" My poor husband (who had known me for all of about 2 days), looked confused for a second, then answered with a simple "I would."

This moment in time, one that I rather wish I could take back, has created many moments of laughter in our relationship. Whenever there would be a lull in a conversation, my husband would ask me what I would do if I could fly. At first, I was mortified, but more than that, I was worried that he would see me for the moron that I felt I was for asking that stupid question. I feared that he would no longer wish to date me. Instead, he saw that I could laugh at myself and that told him more about me than any question ever could have. So I ask you this inevitable question... are there really any stupid questions?

Posted by April_Mommy :: 10:19 AM :: 3 comments

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