April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


I inherently try to keep this blog on the upbeat side. Perhaps it is just because I want people to like me like ABQ, but I try to find something funny to write about every day. Doesn't always work that way now does it? I also didn't really want to mention my new business here because it would take a lot to explain everything and I really don't want to do that. However, I think that I need some "blog therapy" as Fourth Fret named it, so here I go.

I have a new business. I am very excited about it, especially because it is something that I truly enjoy and I know that if people would just think about it, they would realize that they really do need my services. That said, I will also state how frustrated I am right now with the whole idea. I mean, I borrowed some money to get myself started, get the right equipment, get myself set up, and a little for advertising. I was all ready to go.

So, I perfected my product, I am ready to sell my services and what happens? Nothing. That's it, nada. I began running spots on the radio starting last thursday. Using up the last precious reserves that I have for this business to pay for them. I was told by the radio people that others who advertise on the radio, usually get calls on the very first day it airs. I have not heard one single call. Not one! I am starting to wonder if the radio is the right way to market for me after all. However, I am out of ideas! I mean, what is left? I can think of having a "party" like Mary Kay or Pampered Chef, but then I would be just like all of those people that I dispise! Just read my post on
"Invitations". I would never want my friends and family to think that I am just hitting them up or anything. All I want is a few actual clients, is that so much to ask? Just a little validation from the public that my dream is worth while... Is that so hard?

I remember back when I mentioned this idea for a business to my husband, he was very supportive. He could see that I loved the idea and he supported me full force. There was one question that he did ask me though, "how would you feel if no one called?" I told him that I knew people would call so he didn't have to wory about it. I could see that he was only concerned for my well being and wondered how I would take it if my venture failed. I am not at the "failure" point yet, but I am at a crossroads. Where to go from here will take some major contemplation.

Posted by April_Mommy :: 9:12 AM :: 6 comments

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