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. : About Sultry Husband : . The ever Sultry man in my life has chosen to go by the name of Sultry Husband within the walls of my blog. Occasionally he will post his thoughts and experiences here as well. A writer by trade as well as passion, he keeps our home a happy and inviting place. . : Friends : .
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005FrustrationsI inherently try to keep this blog on the upbeat side. Perhaps it is just because I want people to like me like ABQ, but I try to find something funny to write about every day. Doesn't always work that way now does it? I also didn't really want to mention my new business here because it would take a lot to explain everything and I really don't want to do that. However, I think that I need some "blog therapy" as Fourth Fret named it, so here I go. I have a new business. I am very excited about it, especially because it is something that I truly enjoy and I know that if people would just think about it, they would realize that they really do need my services. That said, I will also state how frustrated I am right now with the whole idea. I mean, I borrowed some money to get myself started, get the right equipment, get myself set up, and a little for advertising. I was all ready to go. So, I perfected my product, I am ready to sell my services and what happens? Nothing. That's it, nada. I began running spots on the radio starting last thursday. Using up the last precious reserves that I have for this business to pay for them. I was told by the radio people that others who advertise on the radio, usually get calls on the very first day it airs. I have not heard one single call. Not one! I am starting to wonder if the radio is the right way to market for me after all. However, I am out of ideas! I mean, what is left? I can think of having a "party" like Mary Kay or Pampered Chef, but then I would be just like all of those people that I dispise! Just read my post on "Invitations". I would never want my friends and family to think that I am just hitting them up or anything. All I want is a few actual clients, is that so much to ask? Just a little validation from the public that my dream is worth while... Is that so hard? I remember back when I mentioned this idea for a business to my husband, he was very supportive. He could see that I loved the idea and he supported me full force. There was one question that he did ask me though, "how would you feel if no one called?" I told him that I knew people would call so he didn't have to wory about it. I could see that he was only concerned for my well being and wondered how I would take it if my venture failed. I am not at the "failure" point yet, but I am at a crossroads. Where to go from here will take some major contemplation.