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. : About Sultry Husband : . The ever Sultry man in my life has chosen to go by the name of Sultry Husband within the walls of my blog. Occasionally he will post his thoughts and experiences here as well. A writer by trade as well as passion, he keeps our home a happy and inviting place. . : Friends : .
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Template By Caz |
Tuesday, March 14, 2006I am lostWe had a visitor on Sunday. They were a young couple in the area who wanted to "welcome" us to the neighborhood. I found myself just counting down the minutes till they would leave. I found them offensive, rude, and just plain ignorant. They were blunt in their observations and very quick to compare us to family members who obviously move better than we did. After all, we have been here a whole week now and I have not finished unpacking all of my boxes yet! Ugh. I really wanted to become friends with these people. I am a people person, I need people, I need friends. This was one of my only hopes because they are one of the few young people around here. Here is an example of how the conversation went. Me: "Sorry about the mess, I have been working on unpacking" (they surprised us with the visit, the living room was in chaos Other couple: "My sister packed up an entire house in a day. Six hours after the move, she was completely unpacked and had dinner on the stove." Me: "She must be very organized" Other couple: "She is. She would have been done unpacking your house days ago." Me: steaming inside because I choose to play with my children and help them adjust to a new place instead of working 12 hours a day unpacking. Other couple: "So, how old are you?" My Husband: "29", he said with a smile. Other couple: "man, you're old. " My Husband: attempting to laugh off the rude remark, changes the subject. Other couple: "Where is the land you are buying?" My Husband: "Just down the road a bit, on such and such road." Other couple: "How much did you pay for it?" My Husband: "A fair price" Other couple: "How much is that?" My Husband: "We are getting a good deal." (Obviously we don't want to tell them how much) Other couple: "I have a very successful business" Me: "Oh? What do you do?" Other couple: "I have a shop that I have expanded three times, I am doing so well that I can't wait to expand again." Me: "That sounds great, I am glad things are going well for you" Other couple: "Oh they are" (didn't they just say that?) Other couple: "So you went to school?" My Husband: "Yes, my degree is in such and such" Other couple: "Oh, well I didn't go to college but I am very successful in my business" While I know that they were trying to be nice in coming over, I hope that I can somehow make it through the small town mentality and create friends. I choose to not be offended by anything they said, or the way they said things, but it was hard. I also know that if we become friends with these people, I can never ever tell them about my blog, and especially I can't let them read this post because it would probably offend them. Right now I really don't care much about that. I want to go home.