April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Nausea and Sleep Deprivation

So Sultry Husband began his new job yesterday. It is a very scary thing to start a new job in this world. Many fears and self doubts seem to creep their way forward. One of his formar employers once said "I never started a new job that I didn't want to quit my first week." We are sticking it out to say the least... The night before he started, he was up all night. Not with nerves, oh no, with nausea. He was sick all night long! Fortunately he was able to still show up the first day, but that really could have been bad. "I am so sorry new employer, I am calling in sick on the first day of my evaluation period. I really want the job though..." Somehow, that just sounds bad.

L decided that she was beyond sleep last night. Every half an hour she was up out of bed demanding something. Usually in a very whiny high pitched voice that drove sleep from me way to many times last night. The one up side to the sleepless night of mine, was that I was able to think about Sultry Husband and pray for him all night long. Hopefully persistance will win out on that end. Sultry Husband was able to sleep last night, and for that I am grateful. I mean, if my sleepless night gave him a moment of peace, it was well worth it.

There is one funny thing to relate however, a friend of ours put it in perspective when he said that "Your new town isn't exactly the end of the earth, but you can sure see it from there." Did I mention that we will have to drive over 90 minuites to get to a Wal Mart? Wow, that is moving to the sticks! A new adventure right?

Posted by April_Mommy :: 4:22 PM :: 5 comments

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