April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Summer Flowers

When I was a child, my family would make very frequent visits to Southern Utah to see my Grandparents. I loved those trips that were full of fun and laughter. I loved to see what they had done to their yard, what flowers were planted, what trees were bigger, etc. I remember my Grandmother loved Black Eye Susans. She had a very large group of them, here is a picture.

I also remember my Mom taking a few clippings of Grandma's flowers and planting them in her own yard. Whenever I would see these particular flowers, I would remember her. It is now my turn. I have moved to a similar area, dry and barren, and have now chosen to plant my own Black Eyed Susans. Sultry Husband had the idea, and therefore he planted some seeds for me a few months ago. We took them to the greenhouse at his new employment, and they helped them to flourish. I thought that the idea of planting this particular flower was brilliant on the side of my Husband, so he gets all the credit!

Here is a picture of my attempt at these flowers.

The blue butterfly in the picture was given to me by M for my birthday. L gave me a matching pink one that is further down in the planting bed. I am not usually one for garden gnomes or ornamental flowery weird things, but since my girls find such joy in seeing those butterflies, I decided that they could keep my flowers company.

Posted by April_Mommy :: 2:30 PM :: 4 comments

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