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. : About Sultry Husband : . The ever Sultry man in my life has chosen to go by the name of Sultry Husband within the walls of my blog. Occasionally he will post his thoughts and experiences here as well. A writer by trade as well as passion, he keeps our home a happy and inviting place. . : Friends : .
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Monday, May 22, 2006Summer FlowersWhen I was a child, my family would make very frequent visits to Southern Utah to see my Grandparents. I loved those trips that were full of fun and laughter. I loved to see what they had done to their yard, what flowers were planted, what trees were bigger, etc. I remember my Grandmother loved Black Eye Susans. She had a very large group of them, here is a picture. I also remember my Mom taking a few clippings of Grandma's flowers and planting them in her own yard. Whenever I would see these particular flowers, I would remember her. It is now my turn. I have moved to a similar area, dry and barren, and have now chosen to plant my own Black Eyed Susans. Sultry Husband had the idea, and therefore he planted some seeds for me a few months ago. We took them to the greenhouse at his new employment, and they helped them to flourish. I thought that the idea of planting this particular flower was brilliant on the side of my Husband, so he gets all the credit! Here is a picture of my attempt at these flowers. The blue butterfly in the picture was given to me by M for my birthday. L gave me a matching pink one that is further down in the planting bed. I am not usually one for garden gnomes or ornamental flowery weird things, but since my girls find such joy in seeing those butterflies, I decided that they could keep my flowers company.