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. : About Sultry Husband : . The ever Sultry man in my life has chosen to go by the name of Sultry Husband within the walls of my blog. Occasionally he will post his thoughts and experiences here as well. A writer by trade as well as passion, he keeps our home a happy and inviting place. . : Friends : .
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Template By Caz |
Thursday, April 27, 2006Oasis part 2- Arizona's saving graceLast night we invited a new friend up to our oasis for the evening. We roasted hot dogs, made smores, and just had a very relaxing evening together. The interesting thing about our oasis, is that the trees and everything look almost exactly like the forest at the top of my blog. That wide angle picture that I had never seen before, looks like our new favorite place. Makes my blog fit my personality even more than I thought it did :-) . *************** M has a rock collection. I can't remember if I mentioned that before, but I finally made her move it outside the house. She finds beautiful rocks everywhere she goes. She has begun something that I find quit amusing however, she now names many of the rocks that she brings home. Last night was no exception. Throughout the evening, she gathered rock after rock, stopping to show me how beautiful they all were. As the evening drew to a close and we informed her that it was time to go, she panicked begging for us to help her load her precious cargo into the car. We knew that there were far too many rocks to take them all, so we set a limit of five. She spent the next fifteen minutes deciding which rocks would stay in the woods and which she would bring home to her collection. She decided on one rock in particular that she named "my little stripester" or "stripy" for short. As we pulled into our garage last night, M (who had fallen asleep on the drive home), begged to be allowed to sleep with her little stripester. It was so important to her that we allowed it. When she was younger, she used to sleep with books, then it was horses, and now rocks... What will she think of next? *************** As I put the dogs out one more time last night, I noticed something on my patio. My dogs didn't even notice, I was glad because I don't know what they would have done to the poor thing. By the time I returned with the camera and a very tired Sultry Husband, he had gone into the grass a little. He is very camoufllaged so I highlighted him in the middle of the picture... I actually felt bad that my kids were passed out asleep because I know how much they would have loved to see this guy. M would probably have named him Froggie or Hopper... At least I can show her the pictures.