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Template By Caz |
Thursday, June 08, 2006Ice Cream YearningsI can be quite sentimental and silly at times. I am the first to admit that. However, I had an experience the other day that is almost difficult to explain. We found a fabulous mom and pop ice cream shop in the neighboring town. It takes about 15 minutes to drive there, so it is quite accessible. They make their own ice cream, I believe. Anyway, we took the kids for an ice cream cone the other night. M chose chocolate (of course) and L chose "Pink"! Basically strawberry, but she went into the shop saying, "I want Pink"! As they gobbled up every drop of delicious ice cream, I noticed a distinct difference between them. M ate her treat in a very fast, very messy manner that displayed no restraint or care for her appearance... She had chocolate ice cream all over her face and even a bit in her hair by the time she was done. L on the other hand, ate hers quite methodically and insisted on staying clean. In fact, she asked us to hold her cone at least half a dozen times, so she could clean her hands with a napkin. This ode to cleanliness only pertains to her hands however, as her face and hair also were decorated by the end. The main difference between them? M ate her ice cream cone in 10 minutes, while it took L at least twice that long to finish. The strange part of the evening was when SH and I were laughing at the difference in the girls, I about started to cry. I want another one! I thought that the hormones only start making you wacky after you get pregnant?!