April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


The time has come to tell the blog world about my personal loss. I have avoided this as long as I could but must come out and just say it. This past weekend, I lost the pregnancy. That's right folks, I had a miscarriage. I could tell you all about my history, saying that this isn't my first loss or how it runs in my family... yada yada yada. When what I really want to do is go back through my blog and just delete any blog that had a reference to my ever being pregnant.

I know that I will be fine in time, that I will heal and we will be able to continue our family. I am attempting to stay positive, while knowing that I need to actually take some time and mourn the loss or the issue will return with a vengeance someday down the road. All of this I know in my heart, yet I have to keep reminding myself to just take it one step at a time. Life goes on and I have two little girls to play with.

So, in answer to the question posted by Jen the Mom, I lost a baby this weekend. I am glad that the rest of you had wonderful adventures. Yet another testiment to the fact that life goes on amist personal tragidy or great triumphs of conquering mountains. Life will always go on.

Posted by April_Mommy :: 11:04 AM :: 1 comments

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