April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Silly Uncles

So, my brother's comments the other day about old uncles of ours made me remember a few choice stories about some of them. One in particular made me start giggling, so I decided to share it. Besides, my last post was way too much of a downer, so I need to lighten things up a bit again.

Uncle C.

One night my Uncle C got out of bed to go to the bathroom. He didn't want to wake up his wife, so he left the lights off and went traipsing down the hallway to use the facilities.

Upon finishing said duties, he headed back to bed. As he was walking toward his bedroom, he noticed something strange. There was a half naked man coming out of his wife's bedroom! This could not be tolerated under any circumstances. Something needed to be done.

He crouched down, and snuck toward the bedroom. He realized that the man at the end of the hall was also trying to be sneaky, so Uncle C decided upon a new tactic.

It wasn't until he heard the shatter and felt the pain that he realized that he had punched his own reflection in the door mounted mirror. That shadowy figure coming out of the bedroom was, yup you guessed it, himself...

Ahh good times, I love my funny Uncles.

Posted by April_Mommy :: 1:51 PM :: 4 comments

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