April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Just me

I really wanted to post something wonderful today. The inspiration just wouldn't come. I wanted to write a poem or a story that people would find inspirational or funny- but then I remembered that I am not Julia. I wanted to write something that would make people think so I could sound intellectual and brilliant- but then I know that I am definitely not Karen. I wanted to find some idea that would generate lots and lots of comments and encourage people to laugh- but I will never be a Fourth Fret. I wanted to write something that would show how I care or how passionate I am about things- but I am not Heather. Perhaps I could write about life in dry and desolate places and make it actually sound appealing- oh no, I am definitely not Dana. I would love to write something that would lighten and brighten someone's day- but I will leave that job to Sariah.

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.
Henry David Thoreau

I can only be the person that I am, and today I feel that the person I see in the mirror is boring... Perhaps it is only because I am bored. I find that inspiration rarely comes on laundry day.

Posted by April_Mommy :: 2:53 PM :: 6 comments

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