April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

California Here We Come!

Sultry Husband wrote a play that is being produced in Northern California. We head out this afternoon to start the long and arduous drive to get there. I had a friend ask me if I was excited for our trip, and I answered YES! and NO WAY! Why would I not be excited? Well you see, we have these two young girls who are also driving in the car with us. I am fearing the "Are we there yet?" questions and the ever present "I have to go potty!" right as we pass a rest stop sign. This will be the longest trip that we have ever taken with them.

I do have hope that it can be fun however. My amazing Brother does this type of trip all the time. When there is an important family function, he is always there, with his family... never mentioning how long the drive was. His kids don't seem to mind at all! I on the other hand, feel like a martyr for taking the girls with us so that M can see Daddy's play.

Lots of snacks, lots of toys, lots of prizes along the way... this shall prove an interesting challenge on my sanity. Wish us luck! We are off to see the play!

Posted by April_Mommy :: 8:25 AM :: 5 comments

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