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. : About Sultry Husband : . The ever Sultry man in my life has chosen to go by the name of Sultry Husband within the walls of my blog. Occasionally he will post his thoughts and experiences here as well. A writer by trade as well as passion, he keeps our home a happy and inviting place. . : Friends : .
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Template By Caz |
Saturday, June 10, 2006The Name GameI am not usually one for Meme's, especially after more than just a few people have done it... However, this one just seemed fun and I decided to join the band wagon after all... Thanks for starting this Karen :-) Oh, and half of my answers had me laughing my head off, so feel free to make fun... My personal favorite was the Star wars name... 1. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME: (grandfather/grandmother on your fatherÂs side, your favorite candy): Elva Chocolate 2. YOUR "FLY GIRL/GUY" NAME: (first initial of first name followed by "izzle", first two or three letters of your [middle] name followed by "dizzle"): Aizzle hardizzle 3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal): Lavender Horse 4. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (first 3 letters of your name- last 3 letters of motherÂs maiden name, first 3 letters of your [former] petÂs name repeated twice): Apr-ite duk duk 5. SUPERHERO NAME: ("The", your favorite color, the automobile you drive): The Lavender Cavalier I don't think I would have joined this if I couldn't laugh at myself. This is is just to comical to not pass on.