April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Monday, November 28, 2005


Last Thanksgiving, we stayed home. It was wonderful! We decided that since we do all of our traveling at Christmas time, we could take a holiday off and relax. This year, my parents decided to come up and visit us as well!

It is a well known fact that I am married to a creative man. When I call him that, it is to explain how he is not known as Mr. Fixit. In fact, nine times out of ten, when something is broken in our home, it is me that fixes it and not my husband! My dad on the other hand is the ultimate Mr. Fixit. He knows everything I swear! The week prior to my parents arrival, my Mom asked me to send them a list of everything that I wanted Dad to look at while they were here. I sent an e-mail detailing each and every item, including a few digital pictures.

The list included difficult tasks such as cutting down the pine tree that died last summer, to finding out why three outlets in my kitchen/dining room have never worked. Each item on my list was quickly checked off, and more items were added to the list as he saw things that I didn't even realize needed fixing! (really Dad, I didn't remember that the lid to my toilet seat falls off... I guess we are just used to it).

My mom suggested a wonderful plan to us. We get what we can done from the lists but not at the expense of "happy memories". This idea came from my ultra brilliant big brother who thinks of everything! Because of this desire for happy memories on the part of my kids, we took about three hours off and went up to the woods to cut down a Christmas tree. This was possible only because my Dad has the coolest truck you have ever seen! Our little car could never make it up into those mountain hills this time of year, but his neat-o four wheel drive beauty didn't even make a complaint. We had a wonderful time, and I swear that we have the most beautiful Christmas tree that only cost about five bucks for the permit!

All in all, it was a very busy weekend. I cooked Thanksgiving dinner and everyone raved about my gravy and apple pie. It is always wonderful to see my parents and we have added many happy memories to our collection. I did feel bad about how hard my Dad worked, that is until my Mom called and told me about what a wonderful time he had fixing up our house. At least he enjoys fixing things... It makes it easier to ask him to do it again next time he visits...

Posted by April_Mommy :: 3:06 PM :: 4 comments

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