April's Life Adventures

Experiences in my life that hopefully always lead to happiness. My joys, my sorrows, my kids, my world.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Importance of Shoes

My little girly-girl has taken to shoes. She doesn't have many different pairs in her own closet, so she has chosen to expand into mine. I like them to all be lined up real pretty in this shoe rack that my parents gave to us. Each pair of shoes has it's own little cubby hole.

I made the mistake of asking her to put a pair of Daddy's shoes away one day. Life in my closet has not been the same since. She first thought it was fun to match each shoe with a different one. I would find one of my nice Sunday shoes in with one of Daddy's work boots. It is most inconvenient when I am trying to hurry out the door but have to stop and check all the holes for the match to my chosen shoe.

Now, this dress up queen has found that if she shoves her feet all the way forward in our shoes, she can clomp all around the house. It was funny at first to see her walking around in Daddy's slippers or work boots, but now she has decided that Mommy's high heals are pretty and she won't take them off. I can hear her coming down the hall clomping and I just imagine where I will be able to find my shoes next. Will they be found in the bathroom? Or perhaps under her bed? The middle of the kitchen floor? One will never know until Sunday morning when I am rushing to get our family out the door on time... And to think that one of the things that attracted me to this house was my walk in closet. Oh how I wish now that my closet just had a door with a lock.

Posted by April_Mommy :: 12:59 PM :: 11 comments

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