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Friday, August 11, 2006The Rainbow BridgeSultry Husband works for an animal sanctuary. They are a home for around 1500 animals at any given time. They have their own language for things, some are quite interesting, and one in particular was meant to provide those who cared for the animals with some sort of comfort durring a difficult time. At one point it was decided that when the animals died, they did not just turn to dust, but they "crossed over the rainbow bridge". They have a beautiful animal cemetery on the property where the animals who cross the bridge then reside. It is a place of peace and beauty actually. On to the rest of my story. There were two crows who lived at the sanctuary because they could no longer support themselves in the wild. Their names were "Forever" and "Nevermore". I actually liked to visit the crows just because of their names. "Nevermore" died a few days ago. My husband came home and told me about it. I was a little sad about this because now "Forever" will be alone and the name is not nearly so cool without her companion. As Sultry Husband told me that "Nevermore" crossed over the rainbow bridge, M asked what that meant. We then told her that the bird died. She then decided to explain it to her younger sister L. She said, "Nevermore died because he crashed into the Rainbow Bridge." I think I liked her version better.